Every company needs to be prepared, alert and build competitiveness to carve a niche in the very dynamic medical equipment industry. Sales processes and team needs to be agile, active and ever ready with insights and data about their operations. Medical Mantra assists the manufacturers, suppliers or speciality suppliers to align the sales process in a better way. It helps to project and track the potential buyers. It accelerates the sales activities and tracking of regular customers for better service and timely order delivery. CRM helps to add value to your present sales skill and improve the sales and service process to retain your existing clients. The other salient features of the CRM are
Key Features
Details are important while recording enquiries and key accounts. CRM helps by enabling the user to manage enquiries and latest status for each prospect on demand with segregation across Hospital, Doctor, Lab and Clinic.
Sales team and manager segregate the leads as per OEM wise or product wise for analyze
CRM allows the users a unique distinction of not only managing quotations but also filter them based on type of institute. It also helps manage your quotation and order with complete history and filter report with OEM wise
No time and efforts are required to be spent by the sales team in preparation of regular review papers resulting in Increasing ratio of selling time to non-selling time
CRM helps the sales team by sending reminder and alert on Preventive Maintenance. It also processes auto reminder on every AMC due, Pending and received.